Website Template for Ski Resort

Type: Html
Item: 46466
Website Template for Ski Resort - image

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Website Template for Ski Resort

Ski resorts are popular enough and so far as there is a plenty of them in many parts of the world, each place needs to have a creative and outstanding online image. This website template for ski resort aims to help you in building a fabulous website.

The template is equipped with a background photo so it is a perfect venue for placing a good picture of the resort – customers should be able to see where they are going to spend their vacation. The home page content slider is additional place for pictures and if you put there more amazing photos, visitors will appreciate it.

The solid layout of this theme allows you to develop a truly informative and user-friendly webpage, because people going on vacation usually plan everything beforehand and want to know all information about the resort.

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  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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