Web Design & Dev

How Top-notch Web Design Can Help You Build a Successful Brand

Cynthia Madison 3 September, 2020

Starting a business in today’s highly competitive world is not an easy task. Building a brand for your business is even harder. However, if you want your business to thrive, not just survive another day, branding is of the utmost importance. Needless to say, no entrepreneur starts a business venture just to hang in there and merely exist. Every business owner craves success and wants to compete with the big players one day. A strong brand identity can help in that respect, as it will make you stand out from the crowd, giving you a significant advantage over your competitors. Top-notch web design is an essential part of branding.

top-notch web design

Why Create Top-notch Web Design?

A brand is not something that can be created overnight. There are many factors that go into building a great brand image, and it’s an intricate process that requires time, effort, and careful planning. It goes beyond choosing a catchy name and designing an interesting logo. It’s about your story – your journey, your vision, the values that define you, and all the elements that come together to convey the message you want to send to the world and dictate how the public perceives you.

A solid online presence can support this endeavor. However, a website that looks like a million others won’t do your branding efforts any favors. You must know the rules of good web design if you want to achieve the desired results. Brand building and web design are complementary and that’s why you should brush up on your web design knowledge if you plan on building a memorable brand for your business.

Top-notch Web Design Elements

Let’s have a look at the web design guide with vital elements that constitute a quality website design.

Color Scheme

Color schemes for top-notch web design

Colors play an important role in every branding strategy, as they serve more than an esthetic purpose. Colors carry meaning and evoke emotions, so they can set the tone and convey messages that words might not be able to express. People subconsciously associate colors with certain elements, characteristics, or events and that’s why they have the power to trigger all sorts of feelings and reactions when used in a branding scheme. For example, green is a color universally associated with nature and it suggests freshness, growth, and health. That’s why a green color palette it’s an obvious and suitable choice for the website of a business that provides eco-friendly products and services. You must think about the meaning of the colors you use and the effect they have on people when choosing a color scheme for your site.

Focusing on Emotions

focusing on emotions

Most people make decisions on an emotional rather than a rational basis. Even if they weigh in the pros and the cons before making a choice, there’s always an emotional element (or more) that sneaks in and influences the process. So, when designing a website, you must keep in mind that functionality is just part of the story. A brand’s website will do much more than providing users with some products and services. It will take consumers on an emotional journey, from the moment they click in, to the moment they click out. Design elements should pull on emotions and give the audience a one of a kind experience when navigating the website that goes hand in hand with your brand’s message.

Effective Logo Placement

logo placement in top-notch web design

A lot of people equate branding with a logo, and while the logo is just one aspect that goes into the branding process, it can’t be denied that it holds a central place. The logo is that icon or image that sticks in people’s memory and makes your brand easily recognizable, so it remains one of the most important elements of any branding strategy. But designing a nice logo is not enough, you must also know how to use it. A good website design agency will know the importance of logo placement when designing a site. There’s no need to get too creative with it. Everyone is used to seeing it on the upper left corner of a web page and that’s where they will automatically direct their focus when searching for it.

Expressing Personality via Top-notch Web Design

The audience will always be drawn to brands that have a strong voice and are not afraid to express their personality loud and clear. Your personality might not appeal to everyone, but it will surely help you reach your target audience. And what better channel to convey your brand’s personality than your website? A custom website design is a mirror of your brand’s characteristics. It’s a space that comprises all the core elements that make you who you are. If you know how to promote your personality through design elements, people will no longer see your business as a distant entity, but they will associate it with human-like characteristics, making it easier to relate to it and bringing them closer to you.


original website idea

The whole idea of creating a brand is to make you stand out from the rest. You can design a nice-looking website, but if it’s similar to a thousand others, it will work against your branding goals and make you get lost in the sea of competitors. Your audience will have a hard time differentiating you from other businesses, and that’s exactly what you want to avoid. You must strive to make your brand as unique as possible and focus on creating an image that’s memorable. Using original design elements for your website will do the trick and put your brand in the spotlight.

Consistency in Top-notch Web Design

A respectable brand shows coherence and consistency in its actions and the same coherence must be reflected on your website. Changing the design style from page to page is not a great idea if you want to create a consistent image. This will just confuse the users and make your brand come off as undecided and unreliable. You should do the exact opposite instead: maintain the same color scheme, font style, and all other major design features across your entire website. Repetition is key for reinforcing brand identity and creating a uniform image that will make people remember who you are and what you are about.

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Tags: brand identity branding web design elements web design tips website design
Author: Cynthia Madison
Cynthia Madison is a marketing graduate and tech enthusiast who loves sharing her knowledge and exchanging ideas on educational platforms. She is also dedicated to quality education, which is why she is active on an online tuition platform and contributes to powerful industry blogs.