
Although libraries are becoming less and less popular every day due to the ease of finding information on the Internet, we’re going to make your library great again. We certainly know most people prefer real paper. This book website template will save your time and money for your site development and attract more visitors to your library or bookstore to enjoy the smell and feel of paper.

Book Library Website Template

This product is a godsend – it has a 100% responsive and cross-browser page layout which looks the way you want on any modern device. It has a fully customizable look with flexible adjustment of each element on the page. Adding a gallery, a video or audio player, a contact form or a blog post with a comment section can be done in a few simple clicks. Sharing your website via social networks is also easy thanks to social button widgets and OpenGraph protocol integration in the admin panel.

Each action is intuitive and doesn’t require specialized knowledge – our admin panel integrated into this website template has small tooltips. Navigation through our control panel is pretty comprehensive even for children – try it in a free two-week demo to make sure!

Moreover, our knowledge base includes tons of useful information and video tutorials on using this book library website template, while our technical support team members are always eager to assist for free.

Customer Ratings & Reviews(2)

Arina Lawker Verified buyer

I spent some time on the installation, but the editing process went much faster

Zign NL Verified buyer

Well designed template. Lots of customizable pages and great design, we're very happy to have found MotoCMS


  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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