Architecture Portfolio Website Template with White Background

This type of product is getting outdated. HTML templates have limited functionality features and follow a bit obsolete look and patterns. So, if you wish to get an updated website theme, choose one from the vast set of modern MotoCMS 3 templates in the target category. You will undoubtedly find the one to your liking!


Architect is a vital profession for human’s life, because these specialists create homes for us, buildings to work in and everything made by humans around us. Architecture portfolio website template with white background is a sample of how a good architect can present his/her projects to the online audience, and so get more new clients.The template uses photographic sections a lot. These are the Header, Footer and circles in the content area. White background makes these details very prominent and appealing.The design has a Projects page, where you can make a portfolio showcase. It is possible to embed images there and complete them with text sections.Make a try to develop your own webpage within this customizable theme!


  • PHP v. 5.4+, 5.5+, 5.6+
  • Zend Guard Loader
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