Marketing & SEO

Effective Student Marketing Plan Examples

Anna Penhill 17 January, 2024

Students know they can’t successfully run an organization without a well-crafted marketing plan. With its help, targeting the right audience, winning new clients, retaining the current ones, satisfying them, and choosing strategies to generate profits is much easier. And to break the competition, every organization should regularly keep revising and enhancing all it does. This post will show you the most effective student marketing plan examples that can work for your business.

Student Marketing Plan

An effective paper is a reference piece a company can use for executing its marketing strategy. It comes with transparent goals and gives some pointers on achieving them. All aspiring professionals should remember that no marketing campaign can guarantee sales unless a well-developed and consistent plan is adopted. In this case, it is possible to establish long-lasting contacts with customers. Below, there is guidance on how to craft a plan from scratch.

Executive Summary and Introductory Section

Every paper starts with an executive summary, which provides a brief overview of the major lines of the document. Although the summary is always presented at the beginning of the paper, it should be written last. In student marketing courses, youngsters learn that writing a summary can help them determine whether they have created an effective paper and included all the main points.

There is no better way to introduce the main section of the paper than by reminding of the company’s business marketing strategies. Therefore, it is worth including some info about the following:

  • the company’s business mission;
  • main business goals;
  • the business tactics worked out with those goals in mind.

Otherwise, the company’s marketing plan, SEO campaign, and business SEO strategy won’t work together. For instance, if the company’s mission is to provide exquisite first-class offers, the plan should craft a correct image of the brand and reach buyers looking for quality and willing to pay much for it.

Internal and External Analysis

Understanding the organization’s environment before crafting a plan is advisable. This enables students to perceive the perils and favorable opportunities related to the company’s business segment.


In many student marketing plan examples, the STEEPLE analysis is widely used to find out the primary opportunities and threats that are peculiar to a particular segment:

  • economic factors (consumers’ trust and exchange, as well as percentage rates);
  • ethical factors (occupation norms and values);
  • social factors (people’s age, as well as changing attitudes and habits);
  • legal aspects (employment law updates and company’s sector regulation adjustments);
  • tech factors (innovations and buytvinternetphone usage growth);
  • environmental factors (clients’ instability and workers involved in the lasting development);
  • political factors (adjustments in tax rules, trade relations, and grants for businesses).

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A keen understanding of internal strengths and weaknesses is essential. For instance, the most vital points of a startup company are exquisite products and inspired workers. The main weaknesses are a small clientele and scarce funds.


SWOT Analysis

By utilizing a SWOT analysis, which is a combination of internal and external research, it becomes possible to summarize:

  • strengths (e.g., excellent product quality/convenient location/large client base/developed bonus system);
  • weaknesses(f.e. high prices/weak sales department/lack of budget for marketing);
  • opportunities(f.e. possibility of entering new markets/possibility of working abroad (there are all the necessary conditions for the supply of goods to another country)/possibility of opening a new business niche);
  • threats (e.g., price competition/growth in the number of competitors/changes in legislation and industry standards/problems with suppliers (there may not be the desired product, which means there is nothing to sell/emergency). Additionally, understanding and implementing effective marketing initiatives can provide strategic actions to promote a business’s product or service, ensuring that the SWOT analysis aligns with overall business goals.

The answer to how the company will deal with the threats and overcome its weaknesses lies in avoiding business weaknesses and using power to the maximum.

This article helps aspiring marketers to get more information about the strategic analysis used in many good student marketing plan examples and learn how to review any business performance.

Marketing Targets

In their papers, students base marketing goals, or so-called objectives, on the strengths and weaknesses of their company and its business sector. Moreover, they link them to their business strategy.

Let’s imagine that a company wants to increase sales by 15% over the next few months. Then, its objectives will probably involve targeting a new market segment to initiate growth.

Smart Goals

There are some intelligent hallmarks of the well-set goals presented in most student marketing plan examples:

  • specific – for instance, marketers may set a goal to attract 3 million audiences over the next three years or so;
  • measurable – no matter what the goal is about, it should be possible to check whether this goal is achieved or not;
  • achievable – a company should have everything needed to achieve its goals. The key components are usually employees and budget;
  • rational – objectives should motivate rather than discourage because they are fanciful;
  • timebound – there should be a due date for every goal. For instance, a company might plan to attract twenty new clients within the next eleven months or so.


Like other people, research seems to be a dull part of the whole process for most students; however, it is inherent. All student marketing courses guarantee it’s easier to withstand competition and build lasting relationships with a target audience after a deep investigation. Knowing the business sector within which the company is run, and other businesses conducting their activity within this sector gives the business an edge over those competitors.

There are student marketing programs teaching youngsters how to prepare a good paper. But very few can do it from scratch on their own; therefore, some are forced to seek help from experts like those at Pro-Papers, while others surf the Internet for good student marketing plan examples.

When it comes to marketing research, it should be focused on target audiences, competition, buyer personas (we will discuss this later), demographics, and possible pitfalls.

This research is a great help for writing an outstanding plan as it can provide dry facts for the paper. The company should know precisely what obstacles it will have to deal with and what opportunities it will have rather than guess them.

Buyer Personas

Buyers Persona

In student marketing courses, apprentices learn that buyer personas help identify the company’s target market. Rather than getting every Tom, Dick, and Harry to make a buy, it is more advisable to target people who need an offered product.

A buyer persona is a character sketch that describes every buyer’s preferences, demographics, needs, and journey. What makes this particular client buy from the company? What would stop them from making a purchase?

Of course, there is no need to survey every client in person. Sending out printed or digital surveys and investigating buying patterns through digital tools are more than enough. It makes sense to poll prospective and current clients alike.

The survey is conducted for every segment in different ways for multiple buyer personas. This is how the company can indicate the felt needs of a few target audiences and find a solution to attract all of them.

It isn’t possible to fit every potential client. Every business works in a completely different way. If someone sells student marketing plan examples, homemakers probably will not be interested in buying them. And there is nothing wrong with this. The main idea behind every marketing plan is to find effective ways to reach only those interested in it.

Student Target Marketing Strategies

Crafting a plan means creating a business-like reflection of the company’s marketing strategy. For marketers, it is vital to understand a business market well to divide it into a few categories of clients sharing common characteristics.

Marketers should discover what clients are looking for in every sector, what the company can offer them, and how strong its market power is. Of course, the main idea for online business behind this is to indicate the sector where the company has the most potent edge. In addition, it is also essential to evaluate the chances of having high sales to make the industry worthwhile.

Far too often, the most advantageous sectors are those where the company has existing clients. It is the marketers’ responsibility to find ways to increase sales to this audience. If the company wants to target new clients, it must ensure it has enough resources to reach them with dispatch.

Once the company identifies its target audience, it is time to decide on how it will be positioned in the market. For instance, it can offer expensive high-quality products or local services at reasonable prices. For some companies, it is vital to improve their brand awareness; otherwise, they have very few chances to withstand competition.


Target Audience

Once the marketing aims are set and the strategies for attaining them are developed, the next step is to decide how to implement them. In all cases, turning to the mixed concept known as the four Ps is helpful.

4 Ps

  • product – what unique products offer company’s clients, and whether or not it is time to shape the sales mix to meet the client’s needs better;
  • place – what place the company chooses for selling its products. It is possible to benefit from several distribution channels at a time. Many businesses are selling both via the Web and at an offline store;
  • pricing – the company can adjust its pricing to meet competition or offer its goods or services at a premium price. It is up to the company to sell less but at higher prices or sell more but at lower ones. It is worth mentioning that many clients look for cheaper offers so that they can meet their limited budgets, while others consider low prices as indicators of poor quality;
  • promotion – the way a business reaches its target audiences. For instance, it might promote its goods and services with the help of providing webinars, mass email marketing, gift guides, social media, affiliate programs, and so forth.

7 Ps

For a more holistic approach, this concept can be easily extended to seven Ps:

  • people – it is crucial to be sure that the professionals working in the company have relevant proficiency;
  • process – the proper business process ensures that the company offers goods and services that suit the client’s needs best;
  • physical appearance – how the company’s staff and premises look may influence how the client sees this company. Not to mention the paperwork, which also has a substantial impact on the client’s first impression.

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Implementation of the Plan

A good paper should do far more than simply telling what is expected to happen. Many student marketing plan examples show it should involve step-by-step instructions without which it is impossible to attain the set aims. In addition, it should also provide a schedule of the primary tasks so that everybody can understand what will happen and when. Marketing executives refer to their plans as frequently as possible to keep track of the critical functions no matter how overloaded they are during their working days.

It should also indicate what resources are necessary for attaining the set aims. For instance, thinking about different kinds of brochures distributed via the Web or offline might be practical. It is also essential to find out how much it takes to get through with clients and whether or not there are enough employees.

You should include all costs mentioned in the plan in the overall budget. If funds are scarce, consider this. There is no need to engage in many marketing activities—it is better to choose only a few and get the most out of them. Many marketing executives like linking their marketing budgets to sales forecasts.


Monitoring Marketing Strategies

Then it is crucial to decide how you will monitor the plan’s implementation. This info should be added to the schedule, too. More often, a person is accountable for everything being done on time. The more well-thought plans and budgets are, the easier it is to monitor the process. When something runs behind the schedule or the budget overruns, it is the right time to make relevant changes to the paper.

Between times, it is crucial to take time out and check whether or not the plan is working. What shortcomings have been done, and how can one benefit from detecting them? What other steps should be taken to improve the program in times to come?

Many analytics tools for social channels and websites are accessible on the Web. For example, using free Google Analytics and Excel makes it easy to track data of both potential and current customers and compare statistics. These tools enable marketing executives to determine whether their marketing strategy is working and who their prospective clients are. With the received data, it is possible to shape every strategy accordingly.

Valuable Tips for Writing an Outstanding Paper

There are many good student marketing plan examples on the Web. After they have been reviewed, it is possible to claim that all of them share the common features:

  • include clear and realistic goals that can be measured (for instance, attracting a 3 million audience over the next three years);
  • have schedules with deadlines for achieving every goal;
  • include budgets for all marketing activities;
  • specify employees who are responsible for the implementation of each activity.

It is vital to sweat the details of every goal. For instance, when creating a plan, it is advisable to specify all numbers. Therefore, if a business strives to reach a 3 million audience over the next three years, it is crucial to provide professionals with the needed resources and training; otherwise, it is just a waste of time and funds. And to establish obstacles and potential opportunities, the enterprise environment should be assessed. It is crucial to know where the organization can get the most out of its strengths and where it has to deal with its weaknesses.

A strategy, plan, and business tactics should work together. For instance, a company with scarce cash flow should avoid taking big orders from clients who want to buy on credit. It is also worth mentioning that the main focus should be on long-term student target marketing strategies. While reducing some services may increase short-term gains, no clients probably will want to buy from the company in due course.

Things to Consider

No matter how good a plan is, it will not work alone. It needs someone to be accountable for taking control of all marketing activities and monitoring their progress and execution time. It helps to indicate mistakes that can be avoided in the future.

Email Marketing

Student Marketing Plan for Email

Once clients consider the company’s goods and services, it is time to enhance sales pitches. An effective email campaign sent with mass email services can do the trick! Mass email sending and newsletters outlining specific benefits customers can get from the product would not be amiss. While sending those emails, you just have to make sure your email deliverability is not affected. You may use email deliverability tools to keep up your deliverability rate.

It is a good sign for them to receive a thank-you email as soon as they make a buy. You can use free email templates to give a personal touch to your email. Besides including a touch of gratitude, adding some helpful information about the purchased product is crucial. You should not overlook supplementary materials and various perks as well.

Every business owner knows retaining current clients is much easier than attracting new ones; therefore, maintaining a long-term relationship with them is vital. It is advisable to inform customers about upcoming product releases to make them return repeatedly.

Testing and Improvements

Every marketing student knows that a marketing plan is not crafted once and is never changed. Even though it is written for long-term use, it must be shaped occasionally. To do that, it should be highly flexible so that every change can be made quickly and easily.

This guide explains why, what, and how to create an outstanding piece. This is a foundation on which everybody can build their plan and develop tactics. A good plan will help every business to attain the aims set in its strategy.

If a marketing plan and strategy don’t work together, the company will probably waste money and fail to achieve its targets. Such a scenario would demotivate any business owner and their team.

If you still have questions after reading this article, you can review a few student marketing plan examples to determine how a good paper should look.

Present Yourself as a Professional

Create a Perfect Resume

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Why Student Marketing Plan Examples Might Not Work for All

Writing a comprehensive paper, as well as essay writing, requires much work while reading one requires much patience. For you, it may be exhausting to peruse all of those papers available on the Web, and you may think that no sample entirely fits your needs, and that’s fine.

That is because there are no two similar businesses; they all possess different objectives, needs, and prospects. Thus, while a particular sample may work for one company, it may be useless for others. Every business needs something that works well for it, in particular, no matter what. Many professionals believe there is no need to stick to an exact structure when crafting a plan. That is why you may want to change how you expect your paper to be: you should better forget what it should be and focus on what you need it to be.

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Tags: digital marketing marketing check list marketing strategies online marketing
Author: Anna Penhill
Anna Penhill is a head of digital marketing department of Pro-papers custom writing company, she helps various businesses with building content marketing strategies and increasing revenue via email marketing. She curates content management, works on marketing improvements, and edits blog posts. Anna is also a tutor at an academic website for PhD students. She is a regular contributor to such websites as Bulawayo24, Studential, Bmmagazine and Accountingweb.