Marketing & SEO

Why Is Video Content So Effective In Marketing

MotoCMS Editorial 21 December, 2021

As businesses try to keep up with the latest and hottest trends, video has become the primary focus of marketing teams across industries. Users are now asking for more accessible, visually appealing material than ever before, thanks to the proliferation of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., that emphasize video content. A well-made video may be a terrific method to deliver a brand’s message to a large audience in an easy-to-understand format. A video is usually on YouTube or another social media platform, but it can also be in courses, webinars, live videos, and other formats.

Videos are entertaining to watch and can provide a better return on investment for firms that use them regularly. More than 86 percent of organizations use video as a marketing tool, indicating its widespread use.

Importance of Video Content in Marketing

The diminishing attention spans of buyers are among the most exciting yet troubling trends for marketers in recent years. According to a recent survey by Marketing Mag, businesses have an average of 2.7 seconds to attract their viewers. Though the importance of written content and tools like Facebook posts and Twitter’s Tweets cannot be ignored, a video may more effectively convey in a few seconds what written content needs a good few minutes.

A Facebook report says that videos published on its platform receive an average of 8 billion views per day, adding up to 100 million hours each day. According to studies, videos will account for approximately 80% of all consumer internet traffic by the end 2019. Let us go through some of the most important reasons why videos are so effective in marketing.

People’s Preference

Marketers must consider The most critical factor in their marketing campaigns: what their potential customers want to see. Recent trends have shown that video is the most consumed content type on the internet. The extraordinary reach of video-sharing sites like YouTube and their widespread use by people from all walks of life demonstrate how much people prefer videos to other types of media. It is simple for businesses to create videos and for customers to watch them at leisure.

Here is some data that shows how people love videos

  • The microblogging website, Twitter, has revealed that tweets with videos have 10 times more engagement than their non-video counterparts. With the help of tools like a Twitter video downloader, they can repurpose and share content seamlessly across platforms, maximizing their reach and impact.
  • YouTube stated on its official blog that over a billion hours of YouTube videos are seen every day.
  • According to Digiday, Facebook receives over 8 billion video views every day. Surprisingly, 85 percent of these are watched silently.

Good Return on Investment

You might think that making a video is costly and time-consuming. However, you can use some of the best online video editors that will make your production budget-friendly without reducing the quality of your video. Not only have most smartphones evolved to become high-quality video recorders, but software tools make it simple to create entertaining explainer videos for a minimal cost. It is easier to get a good ROI if you spend less on video production.

Your video’s return on investment will be determined by several factors, including how well you’ve organized your content strategy and the quality of your movies. Despite this, 83% of the people surveyed by HubSpot in 2018 believed that video provides a decent return on investment.

Easier and Better Explanation

Video footage is an excellent tool for helping potential customers understand the product better. According to WYZOwl, ninety-four percent of marketers believe video content has been useful in boosting consumer knowledge of a product or service. Customers will only buy your products if they fully understand how they work and how they can benefit them. The visual element in video content makes it easy for businesses to explain how things work. Hence, it is no surprise that this is a great medium for delivering messages.

Various Ways of Using Video Content

When it comes to how marketers employ video content, they have several alternatives. As a result, finding a method that aligns with your company’s marketing objectives is simple. While YouTube is a natural place to start when making videos, here are other options. You may upload stories that disappear after a specific time on most social media platforms, including Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. These videos are excellent since they can be made quickly and cheaply and communicated directly to your target demographic.

In recent years, industry giants such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch have offered businesses the option to stream live content. Live video can be handy. According to Facebook, live streaming receives six times the number of interactions as ordinary videos. Webinars are a terrific method to communicate directly with potential consumers through video. One can use them to respond to specific questions that potential customers might have regarding your product or educate the audience about your industry, allowing you to brand yourself as an authority. Some of the best online video editors let you create every video content type without hassle.

Video Content Is SEO-friendly

Uploading YouTube videos targeting popular search queries can help your company rank on Google’s first page. The fact that YouTube videos appear at the top of your screen for many search queries helps this cause. As YouTube is the second most visited website in the world, it not only shows people’s love for videos but also proves that videos come high up in search results on the internet. Also, videos are easy to share, which results in more hits, and in Google’s view, greater importance.


Video marketing has become the most effective technique for addressing a large audience easily, thanks to technological advancements that have made video production highly convenient. Videos take advantage of the most powerful force of the day—the internet—to reach more people than most other forms of marketing. Through this blog, we hope to impress upon you the value of videos and why they are so effective in marketing.

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Tags: video content video marketing
Author: MotoCMS Editorial
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