Podobne Szablony

  • Recenzje (2)
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Oceny i recenzje klientów(2)

Bernie Zweryfikowany klient

Cool site. This was my right decision. I purchased it 3 days ago and my site is already completed and running. It has cool design and advanced features. This is amazing, isn't?

Mary Zweryfikowany klient

Perfect for both newbies and professionals. Just imagine: you do not have to learn programming, design, SEO, but you can build a really nice website on your own. This is what I purchased this theme for and I'm satisfied with the result. It is great.


  • PHP wersja 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • Wspieracie bazy danych MySQL
  • Zip Extension
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