Podobne Szablony

  • Recenzje (3)
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Oceny i recenzje klientów(3)

Leya Farrel Zweryfikowany klient

Our clients require an easy navigation via site to find an important info. With this theme we've managed to organize everything properly

William Trees Zweryfikowany klient

Well structured and designed website builder, great usability and features!. I needed a website for a rehabilitation services, so this healthcare website design with clear and comprehensive structure was picked and I don't regret that. Many well designed pages, feature packed admin panel with intuitive interface - everything here is great, I love this product and will definitely use another MotoCMS template if I need another site in future!

Mike Zweryfikowany klient

Awesome system . I set up redirects in the Moto 3 settings and I wasn`t supposed to edit the source files. The only system where this function works correctly.


  • PHP wersja 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • Wspieracie bazy danych MySQL
  • Zip Extension
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