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Szukasz zawodowego szablonu z mnóstwem gotowych stron? Wypróbuj nasz nowy biznesowy szablon Evolution! Jest to uniwersalny szablon MotoCMS, na podstawie którego nawet amatorzy w web projektowaniu będą mogli stworzyć własną stronę w ciągu zaledwie kilku godzin. Za pomocą wbudowanego panelu admina z mnóstwem narzędzi i widżetów można lekko dostosować wygląd przyszlej strony, podłączyć ją do mediów społecznościowych, dodać osobisty lub korporacyjny blog itd. Ponad 16 gotowych stron są do Twojej dyspozycji. Każda z nich nie wymaga żadnych dodatkowych modyfikacji. Wystarczy dodać swoje treści poprzez wygodny kreator stron! Więc nie trać czasu i wypróbuj nowy szablon Evolution zupełnie za darmo już teraz! Zapisz się na 14-dniowy darmowy okres próbny i wypróbuj funkcje panelu administracyjnego!

Oceny i recenzje klientów(32)

Marcus Seller Zweryfikowany klient

Astonishing, perfect example of how bestsellers should be created. This space theme feels outstanding in it's own way and it's easy to edit it as well

Finesa Berisha Zweryfikowany klient

One of my favourite theme.

Thanakrit Insaeng Zweryfikowany klient

Greatest Design. This is one of the best template with full customization.

Irina Vinogradova Zweryfikowany klient

Отличный шаблон. Красивый, функциональный, удобный в работе шаблон, спасибо разработчикам!

Yeong Yew Hui Zweryfikowany klient

The Best. Great ready make design

Diego Espinosa de los Monteros Zweryfikowany klient

The Best Template. This is one of the most complete templates

Вадим Сардов Zweryfikowany klient

Шаблон-конструктор. Очень хороший шаблон с превосходным дизайном. Нравится легкость редактирования, админка просто класс. Рекомендую!

Luca Gelsi Zweryfikowany klient

Very good. This is a nice template with a good style.

Hector Torres Zweryfikowany klient

Beautiful template. Easy to use CPanel has allowed me the ability to transform this template into a great videography site well loved by its visitors. Very clean and professional layout.

Freddie Lewis Zweryfikowany klient

Something new. In this template I've found something new, that called "Block editing". For each part of template, like header, content or fotter I have 3-4 blocks that I can choose and insert. Some parts of blocks I have managed to change, as I need and finish editing very fast. I didn't find this feature in any other templates, that's why I like it.

Hayden Cole Zweryfikowany klient

Reviews are helpful . I prefer to purchase things after reading reviews, and after reading all of this, I thought that this template will be great. I've tested it and decided that, this template will be great for the website I need. As for me, this CMS is very easy and it's good.

Kenny G. Zweryfikowany klient

great for web designers. The MotoCMS company changed the whole concept of building webites. These guys know what an average web designer needs. The admin panel is made to save you time and it copes with this task more than well. The Evolution template is great for web designers, because you can create any kind of website pretty easy without installing any add-ons.

Joe H. Zweryfikowany klient

I had no idea how to create a website for my business. I am almost 30 and I a few months ago I had no idea how to create a website for my business. I am an owner of a translation agency, so programming is a somber forest for me. MotoCMS showed me how to get the light in this forest. It’s great to grab this top notch template with drag-and-drop builder. Admin panel is just for beginners like me. There are lots of widgets that can help you to edit your website very quickly. You can redesign everything. 10 pages are enough for me. Nevertheless, I can add more if I want. I linked my twitter and facebook accounts to my website and traffic is growing. I really like the admin panel and my website from MotoCMS and I am sure that it will be working perfect in future.

Brian Dorian Zweryfikowany klient

great tool for creating miscellaneous websites. Evolution MotoCMS template is a great tool for creating miscellaneous websites. I retail it under my own brand and get a regular profit. Usually, I offer it to the most picky clients, because I know for sure they won’t deny it. A vast number of pages allows to create a websites that meet requirements of big businesses. Deadlines don’t matter, because I’m able to build one website within just one day. A huge amount of time is saved.

Jack D. Zweryfikowany klient

That’s Revolution. To be honest, I was expected something much harder. Creating a website with Evolution was easier than I thought. Before purchasing this template, I did some practice and tested the trial version. Now I know that I don’t need to learn code or hire a web designer, because I can do everything myself. That’s not Evolution. That’s Revolution.

Helmut K. Zweryfikowany klient

It’s awesome and easy to use!. These days a website for a business is like oxygen for a human being. I knew that my business couldn’t survive without the one. And I had no idea on how to get started. MotoCMS is perfect for this reason. When I found this company, I called to their customer support and described my situation. The specialist recommended me to try Evolution and I was shocked. Building a website turned out to be so easy. The MotoCMS website builder is above and beyond all the compliments. It’s awesome and easy to use! Thank you MotoCMS for my website!

Morgan J. Zweryfikowany klient

Best for entrepreneurs. Best for entrepreneurs. It’s really simple to create a business website with the Evolution template. The admin panel from MotoCMS is much better than Wordpress or any other CMS. The support team is super friendly. From the first sec I was pleased that I'm talking to a person who loves his job, not some kind of a robot.

Barney L. Zweryfikowany klient

web designers, take a notice. I work at the web design agency that I started myself. And as a web designer, I always do my best to create a high-quality product for my client. With MotoCMS I can do this and even more. Evolution is a perfect template for those web designers who want to save a lot. With the easy drag & drop builder you can customize the template really fast.

Liz Zweryfikowany klient

just don't be afraid. Great template for doing business online. It’s good-looking, adapted to mobile devices and fully customizable. If you know nothing on how to make a website, don’t be afraid. There are lots of tips inside that will help you to get started. If necessary, you can also contact the support team. I was a real dummy and now I own a professional site.

Alan D. Zweryfikowany klient

you will get everything in 15 minutes. Amazing multi-page site with awesome design. The website builder has high level of usability. I guarantee you will get everything in some 15 minutes and won’t log out for hours.. The process is rather like a video game than a website development.

Quentin P. Zweryfikowany klient

Forget about hiring someone. Forget about hiring someone to create and maintain your website. You can do this all alone like I did. The company not just sell you a template. They get you an opportunity to find out what you actually buy. The trial free version and customer support will help to figure our all pros and cons and only then you can make final decision.

Dusty M. Zweryfikowany klient

very good template. Very good template with lots of tools to edit lots of pages easy

Gloria N. Zweryfikowany klient

The best template from MotoCMS. The best template from MotoCMS at the moment with the full pack of pages. There are gallery, blog, portfolio page, system pages like 404 etc. You get a real website plus a professional admin panel with simple interface and easy to use tools.

Stanley Richards Zweryfikowany klient

I saved a lot. I started my business with the perception that I need to delay my website launch, because this seemed like a gamble. I did think that a website development requires lots of money, time and patience. I was wrong, people! Imagine how much you can save with this template. You buy it once and for all and get the website builder, empowering you with lots of simple tools.

Mohamed A. Zweryfikowany klient

it simplifies everything from the beginning. No doubt drag and drop builder from MotoCMS simplifies everything from the beginning. The positive aspect is you don’t even have to use this drag and drop, when customizing Evolution. I just threw my pics and added text. The design is already made.

Charles S. Zweryfikowany klient

get a real professional website. I got Evolution with the ready-made website offer and I’m so psyched. These guys did great work. They took my content and put in in the right place. I can’t stop playing with the admin panel. It is 100% user-friendly. With MotoCMS you get real professional website without actually being a professional.

Preston N. Zweryfikowany klient

professionals of the top level. MotoCMS is a good company to collaborate with. When you buy a template, you know that you deal with professionals of the top level. Evolution combined everything this company reached for these years. That’t it.

Chloe T. Zweryfikowany klient

I found no cons. I found no cons in my evolution website template. It looks amazing and works perfectly. The website builder is the easiest system I've ever tried.

Peter G. Zweryfikowany klient

got my website launched in 2 hours. The best CMS ever. I purchased this template with installation and got my website launched in 2 hours. The customization comes to nothing with MotoCMS website builder. I still can’t describe how happy I am.

Patrick T. Zweryfikowany klient

pefrect for my business. I run a consulting company for many years and my previous website took a lot of money. Besides, I got nothing about to how to change something in it. In point of fact, the guy that managed my website himself and had the upper hand. MotoCMS freed me from this. The Evolution Universal Business Website Theme is pefrect for my business. Thank you for your website builder. We are all here pleased in our company.

Tim R. Zweryfikowany klient

pretty easy to customize it. I love Evolution due to its cosmic design. It was pretty easy to customize it. The MotoCMS admin panel is very easy to use. It is the best buy, especially from the perspective of future. You get the most advanced website that you can edit yourself.

Corey Zweryfikowany klient

My clients are all satisfied, so am I. I’ve already made lots of websites for my customers with this web template. They are all satisfied, so am I. Another great fact about MotoCMS is you can try the admin panel in advance without any payments. If you only begin your career, I recommend you to consider this fact. Evoltion fits ANY business.


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