Szablon dla strony przemysłowej pasuje do tworzenia witryn dla firm, związanych z zakładem przemysłowym. Z pomocą tgo tematu użytkownicy będó mogli w pełni ocenić potężną moc produkcji i budownictwa. Oryginalne zdjęcia, galeria w trybie siatki na stronie głównej, ładne tematyczne ikony, informatywne menu, bloki informacyjne, lista produktów, sekcja kontaktów - oto ylko kilka punktów listy ciekawych funkcji, które dostaniesz po zakupie szablonu.
Trzeba zmienić coś w projekcie? Nie jest to problem, zrób to poprzez panel admina zasilany przez MotoCMS. Dostosuj i zarządzaj każdym elementem - zmień pozyję, kolor, dodaj nowe strony, prześlij zdjęć i filmy. Wersja demo jest dostępna za darmo, aby mogleś wyprobować temat i przekonać się w jego użyteczności.
A real site for real men. We enjoy building this site while we have free time. Most of our questions are being handled within 5-10 minutes of chat session
no additional fees!. It's not the first CMS for me. I have so very much to say about this system. It was like a revelation. Most website builders are provided with additional fees. It seems fine, but only for the first year... With MotoCMS you get the system you don't have to overpay for!
thanks from my dad ;). I launched this template for my dad's business. He's an old school guy who can barely find out how to open his email box. And guess what? He learned how to use MotoCMS. It turned out, he's better than me in the website management.
the best option. This is definitely the best option, choosing a CMS for your website. Plus, You can try everything before purchasing for FREE.
nice responsive template. Nice responsive template with an admin panel that is easy to use
get this template. Wanna tell everyone about your company? Get this template. You will save your time, your money and enjoy it! Guarantee you!
website builder is the best. If you have an industrial company with no website, this template should be your choice. The MotoCMS website builder is the best!
better and better. I have a long history with MotoCMS. These guys become better and better every day. Thanks.
Everything's great! . Great template. Great CMS. Lots of great features! Everything's great!
very very beautiful. Look at this design, look at these icons... I love how this theme looks...
responsive design!. I looks amazing on the mobile screen. I love responsive design!