Web Design & Dev

The Importance of Smart UI and UX for Boosting Your Marketing Returns

MotoCMS Editorial 29 November, 2022

Companies invest a significant portion of their budget in marketing, with many believing in the impact it can have on their returns. Rounding off 2022, companies expected to increase their marketing budget by 10.3%, and while investment has slowed, it still represents 8.7% of a company’s budget. Modern companies invest in traditional and digital marketing to bring as much attention to their products and services as possible. However, care must be taken to ensure customers are not disappointed by their experience. Marketing done the right way can bring in plenty of interested parties, but if the experience at the end of that process is disappointing, it can be a letdown and stop conversions in their tracks. This is where an intelligent approach to UI and UX is essential for boosting the returns on your marketing campaign.

Create Happier Users

Marketing is a difficult process. Therefore, once you have successfully gotten someone to your website or to invest in your service, frustrating them and making them feel they are wasting their time with a poor UX is not ideal. Companies should have a firm grasp of their user experience because that is who their products or service will be aimed at. Understanding what the intentions and goals users have helps marketers develop a strategy that is tailored to those needs.

So if you are selling software to streamline internal communications within a company, overwhelming and bombarding potential customers with too much information on your website is a jarring message. Similarly, a company that uses its website as a marketplace or store needs to bring customers to those goods or services as quickly as possible. Distracting users with a poor or confusing format can prevent them from making a purchase.

Aim to Satisfy Customers

Companies can live or die by their reputations, making it essential to treat their customers the right way and deliver on their promises. A satisfying UI and UX aren’t limited to before a sale or conversion. It must also reflect the customer’s experience with your product or service.

For example, integrating all of a company’s accounts into one central data hub should make things easier for that organization. Still, a final buggy product can be just as time-consuming. This may cause the client to return to their old processes or move to a competitor. Happy customers are the best barometer of your final UI and UX, so you must ensure that you have built a product that fulfills their needs.

Optimize User Insights From Testing

For digital customer interfaces, testing is essential for companies to calibrate their websites to make them as easy to use as possible. When testing, you can see how easily users can navigate and use the functions as you intend. Ultimately, this helps the end user feel better about their experience and positively completes their purchase or interaction with your site.

Testing can be completed more effectively when companies research their target audience. Once you have a more comprehensive view of your audience, you can create bespoke content and processes that match their needs.

Improve Branding and Perception

In truth, companies can promise what they like when running a marketing campaign. But the proof is in the pudding, and if the customer doesn’t feel like their expectations have been met, it can impact a company’s reputation and perception. Good, high-quality goods and services require the entire journey to match, from start to finish, especially the final product. If it doesn’t, companies may face bad reviews and few recommendations. UX has a significant role to play in how a company is perceived by customers and potential customers as they progress on their journey with a brand.

It also helps companies tell their story more effectively through consistent design features like font color, text, and graphics. These all contribute to how a consumer feels about a brand, and the better and more targeted the UX is, the more likely a marketing campaign will hit the mark.

Which UX Elements Should Companies Focus On?

Ultimately, UX and UI goals are meeting expectations, appealing to your target market, and satisfyingly funneling sales. Elements like font and branding colors are important, but for a more fleshed-out UX, companies must consider functionality, navigation, design, and usability.

  • Functionality is a core principle of positive UX because it ensures that everything on your website has a purpose and makes sense.
  • When considering navigation, companies must create a layout that results in conversion in as few clicks as possible, so be aware of boosting conversions at the web design stage. Additionally, users must not click more than two or three times to get where they want to go on your site.
  • The website’s design should complement your products or services, not distract from the content while drawing viewers in.
  • Usability is perhaps one of the most essential UX elements, but it can be difficult to fix without good technical support. Usability is primarily concerned with your site’s responsiveness and structure, which should work for the customer.

Better Conversions and Reduced Bounce Rates

Digital marketing is vital for raising awareness of your brand and increasing leads. A holistic approach can see improvements across many metrics, but perhaps the most important one to measure the success of a digital marketing campaign is conversions. However, top UI UX agencies emphasize that a poor UI can stop a conversion or inquiry before it takes off. Technical setbacks and hitches when people interact with your website can lead to their interest cooling and a conversion loss. This is another area of your website where testing is essential to iron out all of the kinks before going live with a new version of your site.

When done well, UX can drastically reduce your site’s bounce rate—the number of users who leave after visiting just one page. Getting someone to your website can be difficult due to how competitive the online market is. From nailing your meta description to avoid misleading users from their initial interest to the right level of internal links or avoiding too many pop-ups, figuring out how to lower your bounce rate is essential for boosting your marketing ROI.

Put UI and UX at the Fore

Business success is not a guarantee, and it takes hard work. It can feel like juggling more balls than you’re ready, and the rest start falling when you focus on one specific ball. Priorities must be made, but failing to focus on your customers ultimately leads to failure. Customers judge a brand based on their interaction and experience, so a disappointing UI and UX after an initial promise can cool their interest. Companies that hone their user interface and experience design enjoy more ROI and enhanced reputations.

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Tags: design trends mobile ui UI ui design UX
Author: MotoCMS Editorial
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