Web Design & Dev

Single Page Application Advantages or Why Go for a SPA

Nasrullah Patel 2 July, 2018

Mobile app designers and developers today are tasked with the responsibility of offering superior and sophisticated apps. This is why they are constantly seeking ways of improving their creations to satisfy the needs of clients. Thanks to multiple single page application advantages, most creatives are opting to use single page application to build responsive and modern applications. This is an app that operates inside a browser so that there is no need for page reloading or additional wait time when in use. Different content appears in varying states on a single page instead of you having to navigate to a fresh page.

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Individuals’ use these kinds of apps on a daily basis. You will encounter such applications while accessing Facebook, Google Maps, and Gmail among others. You will remain on one page even when carrying out different commands. Only the content of the page becomes updated so that it reflects the present state of the app.

Over time, single page applications have become immensely popular, especially since the introduction of new and intuitive JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS development. This adopts the apps principles to make the creation of scalable single-page applications a breeze.

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There are numerous single page application advantages that make it the go-to web app for developing apps such as:

One Page Application Delivers High Speeds

Among the primary single page application advantages is the fact it is very fast. Users never have to reload the page because only data is sent over the wire. This implies that a majority of resources like Scripts, CSS and HTML are only loaded once throughout the life of the application. Back-end activities do not get in the way of the user. As a result, there is an extreme reduction in time to display data and navigation.

Development of Web Apps is Simplified and Smooth-running

Forget about having to write codes in a bid to render pages on the server while working with SPA. This is another example of single page application advantages that developers love. Additionally, a developer has the freedom to reuse same backend code for native mobile and web application.

Starting out becomes an easy and straightforward process because there is no need of using servers at all. Just begin the task ahead from a file i.e. file://URI.  Ready-made frameworks and libraries offer useful tools for web app developing. These are clearly separated so that they do not interfere with each other. The single page apps request data and webpage markup independently before rendering the pages in the browsers directly.

Debugging Made Simple

Debugging is not a complicated task with Chrome. Developers can investigate all the page data as well as other elements while monitoring network operations. This becomes easy to notice if there is something amiss to fix it immediately to enhance user experience.

Commendably Caches Local Storage – Single Page Application Advantages

“Store all data” is the only request that the web app sends. From here, it can utilize the data at any given time even when offline. This is another illustration of the multiple single page application advantages.

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Easier to Make SEO Optimization

There is a misconception that the web app optimization for SEO is a challenge if not impossible. This was a subject of concern in the past but not anymore. Developers can now handle single page application SEO optimization seamlessly. Google, for instance, crawls through sites built on the framework for indexing. Other technique site owners can employ include:

  • Create a list of all pages on the website.
  • Utilizing the “Fetch as Google”
  • Recrawl the site.
  • Configure Analytics.

Note that SPA also helps with better page ranking, this is another illustration of single page application advantages. All inbound links that would normally go to multiple pages land on a single page, therefore, improving ranking. Search engines spiders also love the single pages because of their high content density. This goes to show that you no longer have to worry about single page application SEO optimization when working with the architectural framework.

Enhanced Web Experiences

Anyone developing an app knows the importance of providing the best user experience. One page application helps out a lot with this. It allows both experts and novices to build web experiences that simulate the operation of the desktop app. This way, developers do not have to create mobile applications for distribution.

This is a highly welcome move because you do not have to go into the trouble that comes with waiting for app store approval cycles and having to wait for clients to download update applications. Instead, updating the app only requires updating the code on your server which intensifies shorter cycle releases to daily or weekly instead of bi-weekly or even longer.

Going through single page application advantages, helps you understand why they have risen at such a speedy rate. The web app can fit into a single HTML page offering users with a more open and fluid experience, they exist to solve three main issues that web apps face being:

  • Substandard Performance –When pages complete reloads, there is usually unnecessary retransmission of data.
  • Negative User Experiences – When a page keeps rendering continuously, this gives users a bad experience since the delay is visible.
  • Lack of Offline Support – Web applications will only function if the server connectivity is present. When the connectivity drops, the app is rendered useless.

Next time you are developing an app; you may want to experience all the single page application advantages by opting to use the web app.

Tags: messaging apps mobile ui Mobile Web Design SEO web design tips
Author: Nasrullah Patel
Patel Nasrullah is a co-founder at one of the best web application development company where he leads a team of expert mobile app developers, Peerbits. He devotes his time in inspiring young leaders to take the leap of faith. With the experience of 10 years in Web and App development, he now gives full attention to the enterprise by offering mobility solutions about the strategic planning and execution.