Web Design & Dev

Five Tips and Tricks for Finding the Perfect Fonts for Your Website and Social Media Accounts

MotoCMS Editorial 17 December, 2022

Every part of your website and social media account design must be carefully considered to ensure each element works together, reflects your brand, and attracts your target audience. That includes fonts. You should look for the right fonts for your website and social media content. But before you start searching, you must know what to look for. So, get started by checking out the following five helpful tips and tricks for finding the perfect fonts.

1. Match Fonts for Your Website to Your Branding and Your Target Audience

One of the most important things you need to consider when selecting fonts for your website and social media channels is how the fonts reflect your brand. You must choose fonts that will appeal to your target audience and suit your products or services. You could select playful fonts if you post fun content or more serious-looking ones if your website and social media channels are focused on providing life insurance or lawyer services.

You should already have a branding strategy in place, so make sure your fonts fit nicely into that strategy.

2. Try Out a Font Generator

The only way to know how your wording will look in different fonts is to try out your wording in various typefaces. Don’t worry. You don’t have to spend valuable time downloading fonts and then trying out writing different words and sentences with that typeface. Instead, you can simply use an online font generator, such as the one at Picsart, which allows you to type into a box and see how your words look in various fonts.

3. Assess Potential Fonts’ Readability

When looking through different potential fonts using an online font generator, you must assess how readable the fonts are. There’s nothing worse than choosing fonts that are difficult to read. You should look at each letter and character of a font set to ensure every letter and character has excellent readability. Some fonts are much easier to read than others. That’s why people commonly use serif fonts like Georgia and Times New Roman. They are known to be highly readable.

Sans serif fonts also make good choices due to their readability, but sans serif fonts, such as Futura and Arial, have cleaner and more modern looks, so they often work better than serif fonts. To ensure your content stands out from the crowd, choosing less-known typefaces is probably best. Just make sure that the font you select is easy to read.

4. Ensure the Fonts for Your Website Are Scalable

Not only do your fonts need to be highly readable, but They also need to be scalable. While many fonts are still easily visible when you scale them to a larger or smaller size, which you may need to do for your website and social media content, other fonts don’t work well when scaled, especially those with delicate letterforms and too much adornment.

You should look for scalable fonts, like vector fonts, that can be reduced or enlarged without distortion.

5. Don’t Use Too Many Different Fonts

Good design is all about consistency. If you want to engage readers on both your website and your social media channels, you need to ensure you don’t clutter your pages with too many different types of fonts. If you have little design skill, you might want to start by just using one font across your content. Regardless of your design skill level, never use more than three types of fonts.

When using multiple fonts, ensure you use the different fonts for different types of content, such as headers and text body. Also, when using several fonts, make sure your fonts aren’t wildly different, as that can create confusion. Stick to fonts from the same family to give your content a cohesive look that is easy to follow. If you decide to use three fonts, you should select a typeface for your primary, secondary, and accent font.

Primary Fonts

The primary font should be used for all your headings and larger text. Your primary font should also reflect your brand identity.

Secondary Fonts

Your secondary font is the font you should use for the body of your content, such as paragraphs and descriptions.

Accent Fonts

Accent fonts should be used for specific elements on your website pages, such as calls to action and the navigation menu. They should be eye-catching, but they shouldn’t clash with your primary and secondary fonts. And remember, it’s essential that if you use three different fonts, they all work well together.

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Tags: fonts social media presence website design
Author: MotoCMS Editorial
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