Marketing & SEO

5 Ways to Support Your Marketing Team

MotoCMS Editorial 11 October, 2021

The marketing teams have an extremely demanding job. So, they must get support as best as possible to ensure success. They must have a strong support network to continue developing exciting and innovative campaigns that will put your business firmly on the map. If they don’t have the tools to assist them in their work, you are setting them up for failure. Here are five ways you can support your marketing team while increasing their efficiency and productivity at the same time.

Support Your Marketing Team – Implement a Web Help Desk

A web help desk is an on-premises solution for simplified IT help desk processes from service request creation to resolution. Your marketing team’s access to a web help desk software will reduce your costs as its built-in knowledge base allows users to resolve issues themselves. It uses automated ticketing management that utilizes rule-based routing and escalation.

They also use IT asset management to track and manage the hardware and software asset lifecycle. When your team needs assistance, it is vital that they know they have a reliable system in place for them to resolve their issues. Another critical tool that they should have to enhance their productivity is powerful wiki software. Implementing a well-organized wiki can centralize all essential information, avoid data overload, and ensure your team has a single source of truth. When choosing the best wiki for your team, it’s vital to consider various factors such as ease of use, searchability, and integration capabilities. Using a Web Help Desk is one of the most reliable systems you can have, and it has the advantage of resolving issues quickly through its knowledge base.

Ensure They Have the Right Equipment

Your marketing team does far more than handling social media accounts. So, they must have all the right equipment on hand. They are creating new content and taking it from its very conception to acceptance by the wider world. There may be equipment they need that you are unaware of, and despite most work being done on computers, there’s still the need for stationery and paper. Communicate with them and find out if there are things you can provide that you haven’t already thought of.

Ensure that their equipment is up to date, as well. Using outdated computers will cause your marketing team endless frustration, impacting productivity. You also need to ensure that your IT equipment can create the content they want to put out. You employ a specialist marketing team because they know what they are doing, what works, and what doesn’t. This extends to the equipment they’re using. They will know the limitations of specific equipment, and if you place high demands on them, you must provide them with the means to turn these demands into reality.

Support Your Marketing Team – Provide Automation Opportunities

If you want innovative, creative content, you need your marketing team to focus solely on that. If you give them tasks that could be done by computers or other options, you are not only wasting their time but also running the risk of employee unhappiness. Nobody wants to do jobs they do not have to do. This is especially true in areas such as marketing, where creativity needs to be the main focus of attention.

If this entails that you have to upgrade your systems, then it is a step you are going to have to take. An upturn in productivity will offset the cost. This is another area where you must communicate with your team, as there may be some tasks that management feels are a part of the marketing team’s job. However, they might feel otherwise. If you want to support your team and make their job easier, listen to them because they do the job.

Improve Work Culture

Aside from the equipment needs and the tasks to be completed, do not neglect the human element. Your team must feel safe and comfortable in their working environment to produce the best results. This reflects well upon your business, and a happy team will increase productivity levels. Ask them for feedback on any areas they feel could be improved, especially regarding the work culture within their specific department. There may be issues you are not aware of.

Another way to improve the work culture is to take your team out for dinner and drinks after work to create a friendlier atmosphere. One where members build up trust with each other. Ensure that you have anti-bullying policies in place. Should any problems arise, then team members have easy access to report any incidents. If you have a busy office, it can be intimidating for employees to report issues, so make sure your door is always open or there is someone they know they can talk to confidently.

Support Your Marketing Team – Use Data Management to Streamline Projects

Your marketing team is going to be dealing with mainly digital assets. So, it’s essential to store assets properly and are easily accessible to every team member. This is where you should be using a data management system. It allows team members to share files, and remote users can access the files stored on the system. You will have an extra layer of security, as only authorized users can access the system. No department wants the idea that their work could potentially be lost. Having this at the back of their mind will cause employees to be less productive.

They will also feel they aren’t valued because management is not taking the necessary steps to protect their work. This is especially true for marketing teams, as most of their work will be digital assets. Therefore, they are more susceptible to the potential of lost files or system crashes destroying their work. A data management system will mitigate this risk by restoring all files after a crash. You want your team to feel their work is safe. This is one of the easiest and most accessible ways to do so.

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Tags: digital marketing marketing online marketing small business marketing
Author: MotoCMS Editorial
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