Marketing & SEO

Google Algorithm Update – a Comprehensive SEO Survival Guide

Sarah Clarke 17 April, 2018

When we talk about search engines, Google is the first name that comes in everybody’s head. Google is the first preference for most of the users when searching for something. They are number one for a reason. They always take care of their users and keep their servers up to date to cater relevant results for their queries. Google’s powerhouse is its algorithm. To serve their users, they regularly make Google algorithm update. These updates sometimes have an unfavorable effect on the visibility of websites. Does that happen on your site too?

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If yes, then you can avoid these awkward situations for your site. You need to revamp your website as per the changes. The algorithm updates are for the users and Google signals that if you want to be visible on SERPs, you must make your website relevant to the users.

This post will cover all the tenets that will make sure that your website handles the Google Algorithm Update. So, without further ado, let’s get it started.

Survive Google Algorithm Update With Ethical SEO Strategies

Before we dive deep into the realm of Google algorithm update, I want to address what the term means. When Google updates the methods of catering the search result, this entire process is known as Google algorithm update.

Now, moving on, how can you tackle the Google SEO updates? It has become the question of the century. Let’s approach the subject and discuss the solutions for the issue.

All the internet marketers and online business owners know the power of SEO aka Search Engine Optimization. To get discovered in the Search Results, one must strategize the SEO process of their website. That helps them to attain better visibility and high traffic.

Let’s discuss these strategies to make sure that you can survive any update of Google Search Algorithm.

The Top Notch Content

There is no substitution for great content. Do you want things in your favor? You just can’t ignore the quality and value of content on your website. When you publish something on your site, make sure that it is of high quality and informative as well.

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The content will act like glue for your visitors when you use it strategically. Keep your website content focused on resolving common questions. When you cater answers to your visitor’s query, you will get hold of them. And when your visitor loves you, Google loves you too.

Work On The Onsite SEO Of Your Website

When Google updates its SEO algorithm, as a webmaster it is your responsibility to manage all the manageable components of your website. Onsite elements of your site include all the content of your web pages, titles, meta descriptions, and URLs. When Google updated their SEO algorithm, you must cross check all the onsite components of your website.

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That is the best practice to tackle the ill effects of Google SEO update. Use keywords naturally to make the information relevant. Keyword stuffing is out of date practice, and you might get penalized by Google for it. Avoid stuffing and make use of LSI (Latent Semantics Index) words.

Offsite SEO Of Your Website

Linking to your website is another thing that which will help you in tackling Google SEO updates. On page and off page elements are some of the tenets that usually get feigned by Google algorithm update. However, link building doesn’t affect by any update of Google search algorithm.

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That makes it necessary to focus on the link building strategies of your site. Whether there is an update or not, you must always focus on building links for your website to increase the reliability.

Regular Practices That Will Enhance Your Website Presence During the Google Algorithm Update

Regular Blogging Is What Google Loves

A site often caught up when there is any Google algorithm update. Continuous blogging keeps you in the fold and makes your website more engaging. When you share knowledge via blogging, Google observes the engagement you are creating. When your blogs are delighting customers, you get higher visibility from Google on relevant searches.

The Reciprocal Links

Reciprocal links can be an excellent advantage for your website. Nowadays, this practice is preferred much. However, you can leverage this method to make sure that your website doesn’t get affected by Google algorithm update. In addition to that, guest blogging on business relevant sites will help you increase your visitors.

Guest blogging is an effective method of link building. And when you focus on building links to better websites, your site doesn’t get bestowed by Google SEO update.

Never Panic

It is no method of SEO however it is the first thing you must do. Panicking will only bring harm to your website’s SEO rankings. It is a fact that whenever Google hit an update, rankings of the majority of sites go down into the rabbit hole. That doesn’t mean that you will fall too.

You need to calm down first. Observe the changes Google has made, and then revamp your website according to it. It may take few days, but eventually, you will rise and shine.

Winding it up

Let’s have a look at the summary of what we have discussed above,

  • Survive Google Algorithm Updates With Ethical SEO Strategies.
  1. To get discovered in the Search Results, one must strategize the SEO process of their website. That helps them to attain better visibility and high traffic.
  2. There is no substitution for great content. The Content will act like glue for your visitors when you use it strategically. Keep your website content focused on resolving common questions. When you cater answers to your visitor’s query, you will get hold of them.
  3. When Google updates its SEO algorithm, as a webmaster it is your responsibility to manage all the manageable components of your website. Onsite elements of your site include all the content of your web pages, titles, meta descriptions, and URLs. When Google updated their SEO algorithm, you must cross check all the onsite components of your website.

Linking to your website is another thing that which will help you in tackling Google SEO updates. On page and off page elements are some of the tenets that usually get feigned by Google algorithm update.

  • Regular Practices That Will Enhance Your Website Presence
  1. A site often caught up when there is any Google algorithm update. Continuous blogging keeps you in the fold and makes your website more engaging. When you share knowledge via blogging, Google observes the engagement you are creating.
  2. Reciprocal links can be an excellent advantage for your website. Nowadays, this practice is preferred much. However, you can leverage this method to make sure that your website doesn’t get affected by Google algorithm update.
  3. Observe the changes Google has made, and then revamp your website according to it.

I hope that you like the post. If there is a Google algorithm update, do not leave your regular practices. Continue with those practices and once you understand the updates, make changes accordingly.

Tags: free seo search engine marketing SEO seo guide seo tools
Author: Sarah Clarke
Sarah Clarke works as a writer for Media Fortress, an SEO Agency offering cost effective search engine optimisation services in Sydney. She is a web addict and spends too much time in front of the computer. When she actually manages to get away for more than 10 minutes, she is usually reading books, traveling or shooting photos. For more blogs you can follow her on Facebook, and Twitter.