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Top Website Managed Services to Make Your Life Easier

Launching a web resource is just a great start to your journey in the wonderful online space. You have taken care of creating the perfect vehicle for free movement – your website with the best design, functionality, and filling. Now you need to think about a first-class team that will help keep it afloat and ensure well-maintenance, leading one to new horizons. How to do it and who to take with you on the road? Let’s find it out by looking at the popular website managed services list!

Website Managed Services for On-Page Maintenance

This type of website management service is the most understandable and valuable for web resource owners as it often results in visible changes and improvements. In fact, this is a continuation of work on the creation and customization of your project, stretched over time. It helps keep the website up to date and attractive to visitors.

Technical Site Maintenance

Speaking of this, we mean the need for technical support to ensure the correct and uninterrupted operation of the web resource. Even if you are delighted with the site’s current technical characteristics and capabilities, it still needs attention and effectiveness tracking through performance reports.

The list of website managed services for tech maintenance also includes work with software updates, domain and hosting, backups, and quick troubleshooting in case of unforeseen problems. Often this involves tampering with code and the file system, which is always best left to an experienced programmer or web developer.

Plus, technical maintenance allows you to maintain the proper level of security, which is especially important if your site offers online payment options and uses visitors’ personal data. The risks of online threats are growing every year, so implementing and maintaining security features a business website must have is a big responsibility. So, delegating this to experienced and proven technical experts is vital.

Design & Functional Updates Service

Have you noticed that popular websites always follow the latest web design trends? These web resources do not change the concept and do not rebrand or completely redesign. Their changes are minimal but lead to tangible improvements – for example, increasing service quality through chatbots or straightening the mobile experience. All this is possible because of the intervention of experienced specialists responsible for website design maintenance.

The purpose of such website managed services is to keep your design up to date by introducing new trends and using the latest technologies. At the same time, improving the functionality may not affect the appearance of the web resource in any way, changing the site mechanisms that are not visible to the user.

Besides, website design maintenance may include regular audits to analyze the interface elements and evaluate the visitor experience. Based on this, experts generate reports on problem areas necessary for future customization and improvement of your site.

Content Relevance Management

Someone must ensure that the website content is always fresh and up-to-date. It is an obvious factor during website development when you need to regularly make new blog posts, update galleries, services, or product catalogs. However, the relevance requirements apply not only to text and media content but also to:

Your content makes your site stand out from the competition and attracts users. Keeping it up-to-date is a worthy goal for finding professional website managed services and the best content management experts.

Search Engine Optimization Work

Immersion in web analytics, metrics, and SEO tools is a sine wave where depressive misunderstandings replace insights. Why are the leading indicators unstable? How does it happen that ideal keywords lose their effectiveness over time?

So, this is the case when the most profitable and practical solution would be to benefit from professional website management services before the site launch. We regularly say that all MotoCMS responsive templates are well optimized for search engines, and the tool for SEO audit is available to everyone. However, understanding how SEO works is somewhat of an intuitive feeling that comes with experience.

If you have no previous experience in SEO optimization of a web resource, it is better to entrust this to a specialist. An experienced pro can at least help develop a promotion strategy and explain to you its working principles or take on all SEO responsibilities.

Business Bonus 1: Interaction With Website Clients

A business website is not just a tool for increasing the Internet presence but also a multifunctional assistant responsible for lead generation and customer nurturing. Modern web technologies enable automating these processes as much as possible and reduce the need for a human factor.

However, users still need your support and attention. Especially when it comes to taking some targeted actions:

It would seem, what does working with clients have to do with website management services? The answer is on the surface. Customers use website engagement tools that should be configured by specialists who will interact with clients in the future. For example, your web designer can recommend suitable chatbots in eCommerce and even help you install them. However, their customization, resources & knowledge bases used will be the responsibility of the customer service professionals.

Business Bonus 2: Online Store Maintenance

Automation plays here a decisive role too. Still, someone must be responsible for the eCommerce platform’s smooth operation and the correct connection of all necessary resources, such as internal corporate databases. Many employers even hire independent specialists, delegating all the worries about the online store. Such employees perform many duties, from filling out and checking product cards to processing online orders.


Running an online store is a very laborious task that requires maximum return from a responsible person. Therefore, we recommend you look for a separate specialist who provides website managed services for servicing eCommerce platforms.

Vital Website Managed Services For External Support

You might be surprised that website management services are not limited to on-page technical and creative processes. It also covers many other specialties helping with external promotion and supporting support resources. Social networks, online work accounts, and advertising tools may not be linked to your site directly. However, it is responsible for ensuring high performance and a regular influx of new visitors.

Social Media & Brand Building

Social networks would be a direct extension of your site, even if you created accounts before the web resource itself. They don’t have to duplicate information from web pages but should complement it by engaging and motivating your customers.

SMM is usually closely related to content making for a website, so you can try entrusting your accounts to specialists who create content for your web pages. However, you can also hire an independent expert dedicated exclusively to social media promotion. In any case, this will require a detailed study of your business resource and the needs of your audience.

Moreover, modern social media marketing trends offer ample opportunities for eCommerce and customer engagement. They do a great job of brand building and enhancing your online presence. Don’t neglect these website management services as they are powerful support for your business.

Ad & Online Marketing Support

Rare site owners think about this when creating a web resource, especially if this is the first project in their life. The need for online marketers appears much later, along with realizing the importance of external promotion. And this is not bad because you already have ready-made resources, ideas for a social media marketing plan, and a clear understanding of your capabilities and desires when inviting a specialist.

However, outward promotion activities are among the most popular and effective website management services. By delegating this to web specialists, you can get solutions tailored to the specifics and needs of your project. Plus, specialists will be able to use the maximum of on-site tools available for almost every website with content management system.

For example, MotoCMS builder supports MailChimp integration – the best working tool for creating and managing newsletter campaigns.

Doing Your Website Routine by Yourself vs. Outsourcing

Implementing the above ideas may require a large staff of highly paid specialists, which scares beginner site owners. It is partly true, and representatives of big business really transfer all the responsibilities for maintaining web resources to a separate expert team. However, a small business or individual entrepreneur website has fewer requirements and management complexities. You can easily handle this alone, transferring some of the hassles to web development outsourcing if necessary.

What Responsibilities Can You Handle On Your Own?

Absolutely everyone, if you have enough time, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn new.

If you created your website with content management system or visual editor, further maintenance and management would not be challenging. For example, while customizing a theme with MotoCMS online builder, you get acquainted with all its functionality and can return to it after launching the web resource. Thus, you can carry out scheduled tech maintenance and make changes to the existing design.

Content management, analytics, and SMM are a bit more complex, but you can also master them by following the MotoCMS blog tips. In our articles, we often link to other trusted resources and recommend practical tools you can use for your site.

SEO and online marketing present some challenges for website owners due to their demands for increased attention and a deep understanding of their work principles. You can try it yourself, but we recommend asking for experts’ help before doing this. Let, for example, specialists help with the initial design and development of strategies, giving you detailed recommendations and standards for further maintenance.

When to Benefit From Professional Website Managed Services

Your decision will depend on your desire, workload, professionalism, and the amount of web routine. Agree that a small landing page is much easier to maintain than a multi-page online store with a blog and wide product range.

It is definitely worth sharing the authority to manage and maintain a web resource when you:

  1. can’t perform a full-fledged service alone – for example, you realize that you don’t have enough time for SMM or schedule blog posts.
  2. are not confident in your competence and need an experienced specialist’s support.
  3. are ready to invest in developing your web resource and are confident in the payback of the cost of maintaining a business website.
  4. You initially transferred the site’s development to web development outsourcing, so you don’t understand the technical properties of the final product.
  5. have several ideas for improvement but are unsure about them or do not know implementation nuances.
  6. need an unbiased opinion of experts who use a more comprehensive range of tools to measure website performance.

Instead of Conclusion – MotoCMS Support You Can Rely On

Doing your web routine on your own or hiring experienced professionals is only your decision depending on individual circumstances. Fortunately, outsourcing web development offers not only turnkey website creation but also a range of professional website managed services that you can benefit from. Here we would like to recall the possibilities of the Website Audit Service from MotoCMS, which involves an integrated approach to studying your resource and developing practical solutions to improve efficiency.

It is an entirely win-win path for both beginner site owners and experienced developers for several reasons – you can:

Digital technologies are constantly improving, offering users new tools and upgrades to old ones. Ignoring the latest trends and opportunities is not conservatism but shortsightedness and unwillingness to improve the online service. So let go of your fears and doubts about possible improvement failure. You can always entrust this to experienced specialists responsible not only for web development outsourcing but also for improving and supporting finished projects.