
A distance learning website template is the shortest way to digitize your project. Coronavirus and the epidemiological situation in many countries around the world make their adjustments in everyday life. Most schools, universities, and other educational institutions now operate remotely. Besides, it is convenient because it saves a lot of time getting to and from the classroom. These reasons make this the most opportune moment to start your online school.

Features Of Distance Learning Website Template

The central part of the distance learning website template and all of our other templates is the ease of management, configuration, and data monitoring. All these functions are in one place, in the admin panel of the template. With its help, you can do the initial set of fonts, background for various pages of the future site, text sizes, and colors, and much more. We provide our clients with the broadest set of tools for convenient site-building in a minimum period.

What remains to pay attention to you is the selection of a suitable template. So you can save even more time and your efforts on customization, choosing the most appropriate design in advance. Take a look at the education consultant website template, which is also a multi-page option for creating an educational environment. Thanks to the wonders of modern optimization, it will fly even on your client's old computer, as well as a mobile version and a tablet version.

Full Set

Your kit includes many different pages that you can use or simply remove from the template. Depending on your needs, add the office location on maps directly to the site. You can also add video, audio, pictures, various controls, and so on. Integrate your site with other platforms to enable paid subscriptions or alerts for customers.

Test different templates on similar topics from MotoCMS to ensure you have chosen the most suitable one. Courses website template is an excellent example of this. Still easy to use, this template differs only in the initial setup.

Be Unique

Distance learning website template is a blank canvas that you have to fill in yourself with the help of built-in tips and our support team, ready to listen to your questions 24/7. Make your website unique, and it will surely add many potential customers to you. Use all the conveniences and simplifications of the distance learning website template to the maximum, and then after a few days of work, you will get the expected result. Show your school the best way because people will pay a lot of attention to details, including contacts, important information, and even teachers’ photos.

Customer Ratings & Reviews(2)

Henryanvil Verified buyer

Much easier to use than my previous Wyx system - really glad that I’ve fortunately made the right decision

Michaelreno Verified buyer

MotoCMS shows me how excellent the support system can be sometimes if you put in some efforts for the potential buyer. Glad to use your services


  • PHP v. 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
  • with MySQL database support
  • Zip Extension
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