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How Corporate Website Design Can Boost the Value of Your Online Business

Your website is one of the first chances you have to capture the attention of your customers. A boring or non-engaging corporate website design is going to turn people away from your site, and subsequently from your business. You need to have an exciting homepage design, but you also need to have an overall design strategy that that tailors to your business.

But custom service does not mean you cannot have affordable web design. Top design companies will know the value of their services, and they will work to make sure the web solutions they provide meet this need and your budget.

Yet you still need to do your homework. It is important to understand exactly how professional web design can boost the value of your online business so that you can know how to design your strategy and what to ask your design firm to do.

Enhance Brand Image

One of the most important things good corporate website design provides is displaying your brand. In today’s fast-paced world of short attention spans, being able to convey to customers what you are all about in as little time as possible is critical.

This is something you simply can’t sacrifice, even when going for more affordable web design options. But let’s take a look at how you can make a business website to be able to showcase your brand quickly. Consider this theme:

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What are the first things that come to mind when you look at this homepage design? For starters, this company appears to be innovative and futuristic. But going beyond this, we’re looking at a company that likes to think big, and that isn’t going to be focusing in on tiny details. Yet with a customer service chat box right in the corner, they are making it clear that customer concerns are still the top priority.

And this is just a template. Top web design means taking this theme and then adapting it via the enterprise website builder to make it fit your business needs. This generic brand conception may broadly apply to your company, but it will be the firm’s job to develop your corporate website design so that it matches your goals.

But for this to be successful, and for the firm to offer you web solutions that make sense, you need to first be clear about what you want to convey to your audience. Good professional web design happens when clients provide a strong vision upon which designers can build using their creativity and technical prowess.

Reduce Bounce Rate and Drive Traffic

When you decide to create company website, homepage design becomes so important. If your corporate website design strategy does not include a way to draw in visitors, you are really not getting a professional web design service.

So why is this so important? For a few reasons. The first is that if you can convince visitors to stick around on your website once they’ve arrived, you have a better chance of them ending up on your money-making pages.

Say you are an eCommerce company. You want people to end up at your site, read your content, watch videos, etc. Because when they do this, you have more time to convey your message and the chances of you converting them into customers increases.

For this to happen, your content is obviously important, but your corporate website design strategy needs to get into the heads of potential consumers so that you can grab their attention and make sure they stick around long enough for you to convince them to make a purchase.

The other reason it’s important to keep bounce rates low is search engine optimization (SEO). This is the process of tailoring your content and design so that your site ranks well in search engine results pages. This is an invaluable source of traffic for your website and should be at least a partial focus of any web solutions you seek.

Google keeps track of your bounce rate, using it as an indicator of good content. The logic is that if people stay on one website for a long time, there must be a reason for it.

By building this into your corporate website design plans, you are killing two birds with one stone: you are appealing to customers in a visual way to make them feel comfortable and willing to spend money, but you are also helping to boost your standing with search engines, helping drive more traffic to the site.

If done correctly, this can have a huge impact on your business, as success will cascade. As conversion rates increase, so does traffic, making these conversion rates that much more lucrative. Top web design firms understand the role of design in this process and will provide web solutions that reinforce it, helping grow your business even further.

Highlight High-Selling Products

This is something you can do even when employing the most affordable web design solutions. It’s obvious that not every product sells exactly the same. Some do better at certain times of the year, or perhaps some respond better to sales and promotions. Either way, you need to have a corporate website design strategy that plays into this.

The easiest way to do this is to simply highlight the products you are trying to push. Take a look at this theme below, which is set up for an all-purpose, eCommerce site.

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As you can see, the design of the site makes it very clear what you are all about, but then it naturally draws people towards the products you are trying to sell. Large bold fonts highlight terms such as “Hurry,” “Fresh,” “New” and “Sale.” Some of this is the content strategy, but the design helps bring these items to the forefront of the customer’s attention, encouraging them to take action.

One thing to note in this particular homepage design is its simplicity. By not overcrowding the page and keeping things manageable, the eye is naturally drawn to where you want it to go. The worst thing you can do is overwhelm someone, as this will cause them to turn off and bounce from the site right away. Simple, elegant designs are trending in the world of corporate website design, and there is a reason for this: they work.

Choosing your corporate website design

With all of this in mind, it should be pretty clear how your corporate website design strategy can dramatically impact your business and boost its value. Yet, as you are honing in on choosing a firm to help you create a design, there are some things you need to consider first, such as:

Your website is your company’s gateway to the digital world. Making sure you have the right strategy in place and that you have a design that meets the needs and goals of your business is critical. Top-quality design can be a major addition to your company’s growth and value, so take some time to map out your plans so that you make the right choice and can enjoy all the benefits of quality, professional web design.