MotoCMS Blog

Why Getting MotoCMS White Label for Developers? 4 Bullet-Proof Points

Have you ever thought of establishing your own brand as a web developer? It’s a hard work when you try to make it from scratch. And not just in terms of creating a unique logo that will be associated only with your designs. It’s a constant self-promotion that slows down the process of making you popular and highly-recognizable among many people.

One of the major pitfalls that lie in wait for those developers who decide to promote their brands on their own is the field they enter. They should take up time from their main work trying to market their brand, creating a brand awareness among users, spending hours for promotion instead of doing the job they are great in.

Why You Need White Label?

That’s why a White Label solution is for you. Being a professional web developer you don’t have to spend your precious time for promotion. It will be done for you in minutes. MotoCMS makes a great offer that will be appreciated by all web developers. From now all developer’s packs include a MotoCMS White Label offer. Still wonder why you may need it? Take a look here:

Why Choosing MotoCMS White Label for Developers

MotoCMS White label is a great offer that allows you applying up to 5 different branding solutions to your templates. You can either purchase one White Label with one template from the shopping cart in the MotoCMS store or you can buy unlimited number of White label solutions from your MotoCMS account. Here’s how you can use the White Label from MotoCMS:

Sounds really great, huh?! Don’t forget to check out our Developers page to find out about more opportunities you can get for you.

And one more thing: only one day – tomorrow, April 20 – you can get free installation with every single template you purchase from MotoCMS store. So hurry up and kill two birds with one stone!