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Easygenerator: Content Repurposing Strategy to Improve Your Online Course

You needn’t create content every single day when you already have a bulk of the content. Start repurposing your content now! Yes, content repurposing is a great solution to engage your audience across platforms. It has several advantages: reducing content creation time, cross-promoting your content, and experimenting with different content types.

Here are 5 strategies you can use to repurpose your online course content using Easygenerator.

How to Decide the Content for Repurposing?

Not all content is suitable for repurposing. The content that has the potential to rank #1 page is the smart one to go with.

How to decide which content has the #1-page ranking ability?

  1. Audit your published content.
  2. Check for topics & keywords with high search volume.
  3. Check for your posts on page 2 and page 3.
  4. Use Google Console to analyze.
  5. Read the audience feedback.
  6. Use Easygenerator to repurpose.

5 Strategies for Content Repurposing

When you have decided on which content to repurpose, it is time to tweak your content.

Update Old Blogs with the Latest Information

It is well and good to repurpose a section of your online course as a blog post to get more traffic quickly. If you have already done it, pick out those posts with valuable information that needn’t be in the old rack.

Tweak it by adding the latest information without entirely changing the post. This can be a great time saver. At the same time, Google prefers freshness and ranks your content on the #1 page. Plus, you can include the content update notation in the blog title so that your readers enjoy the post.

Content Repurposing – Include Statistics

Graphics are more eye-catchers than the text format. Here’s a great way to create pictures- use the collected statistical data to an infographic. For example, data science statistics can attract your audience (future data scientists) to relate to the scenario. Channelizing this content across social media like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook can lure target groups to your online course.

Refer to Similar Content

Let’s assume you have a successful blog, and your current goal is to market your content using video. You can use the blog content to create an online course. For example, topic clusters like ultimate guides and roadmap can be elaborated in the form of video to reach large audiences. Use an authoring tool like Easygenerator to structure your video content from blogs.

Interestingly, video marketers are saying about 85% of the traffic to the website comes from video. This shows the importance of creating a visual course now!

Ask for Guest Contributions

When you begin to repurpose content across platforms, it creates industry relationships. An interview from these experts can strengthen your online course. Plus, your audience will get hands-on valuable information from the subject expert themselves. It is also a change of exposure for the audience to break from the monotonous explanation. Plus, this industry relationship helps your future endeavors too.

Bulk Content Repurposing for a FREE Ebook

The audience adores free resources. Using only video format won’t be enough for a successful online course. Try to use other mediums too. Include a blog post for reference. Ebooks are a great way to get your business credibility. Gather all the data on your online course topic and present it as an ebook.

For example, when you’re creating an online course on content marketing, including a template for the content creation process. This gives the audience to implement the knowledge they get from your course too. Besides, you needn’t explain elaborately individual sections; instead, link them to refer to the ebook for further guidance.

Content Repurposing – The Bottom Line

Content repurposing is the smartest way to engage an audience and build credibility. Use it wisely to connect with a massive audience within a short span.