MotoCMS Blog

Tips for Making More Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that has the potential to stay relevant indefinitely, in contrast to content that is going to be rendered obsolete in a matter of months or years.

But why is evergreen content considered so valuable in the content marketing and SEO worlds? And what steps can you take to make your content even more evergreen?

The Basics of Evergreen Content

There are many good reasons for wanting to start a blog – and thanks to online guides on the topic, like those from The Blog Starter, it’s easier than ever to do it. With a blog strongly anchored with good content, your website has a much higher likelihood of finding success. Good blog content helps you rank higher in search engines, attracts more traffic to your website, improves brand loyalty, results in higher conversion rates, and even boosts your reputation as a thought leader.

Evergreen content should be the true foundation of your blog. If the content is genuinely evergreen, it should have the potential to remain relevant indefinitely, even after years have passed. It’s equally valuable to people reading it now and people reading it 10 years from now.

This is in stark contrast to temporal content, or content written about current events. As a simple example, a blog post about how to take better care of your CDs isn’t going to be relevant to many people anymore.

Why Is It Valuable

Is Non-Evergreen Content Worth Producing?

None of this is to say that non-evergreen content is never worth producing. Obviously, many news websites and brands have built excellent positions for themselves by covering current events and offering insights. But even if you plan on writing this type of transiently valuable content, you should have a strong foundation in evergreen content.

How to Create More Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is highly valuable, highly reliable, and the perfect way to construct the foundation of your content marketing strategy. As long as you’re willing to update and reformat this content occasionally, it can continue serving you well for years to come.