MotoCMS Blog

4 Options for Repurposing Your Old Content Assets

As content creators, we hear the term ‘evergreen content’ all the time, which means that your content needs to be able to be used no matter what time it is. It shouldn’t be dated and should provide constant value to your clients and those who read it. However, not all content can be evergreen, and the world of content keeps changing. You might find that the content you wrote several months or even years ago isn’t working for you as much as you want, and you need to repurpose the old content to be up to date with the times. There are plenty of options to do that, and repurposing your old content assets will help you further market your business, so here are some options you can try!

Turn Old Blogs Into Videos and Vice Versa

Don’t get trapped in the idea that some pieces of content are destined only to be one piece of content. For example, if you have a ton of old blogs you want to bring attention to, why not update them by turning them into videos? You can simply read the blog on camera and show it off, or you can update it and include content on the video that isn’t on the blog.

You can also take videos you have made and write out the scripts and turn them into blog posts as well. Again, think of ways to have them slightly different from one another so that your blogs contain content that your videos don’t and vice versa, even if your content covers the same topic.

Combine Several PDFs into a Single Document to Create an Ebook

Another great way to repurpose old content is to take a lot of the blogs and PDFs you have written and turn them into Ebooks that you can either give away for free to sell on your website. Having an Ebook filled with some of your best content is one of the best things you can do for your marketing efforts. You can easily direct people to your Ebook and your website, and if they like your Ebook, they can keep reading your blogs and learning more about your business. Plus, being able to combine PDF files into one document is a skill that will always come in handy for a business!

Turn Webinars Into Video Tutorials

That is fantastic if you have an epic webinar that people can’t stop talking about! However, sometimes people who want to be at your webinar can’t be and might not get a chance to watch the recording. You don’t want to let that webinar go to waste, so why not post it as a video recording and show it off? Not only will you get a lot more people learning from your webinar, but they might also decide that they need to see the rest of your content just because of the video! Don’t let a piece of your content assets be one and done; try to stretch it out as long as possible.

Additional Resource: AI video generator.

Turn Interviews Into Expert Advice Ebooks!

Interviews can be an excellent form of marketing for your business. Most of the time, you just need to email the industry experts a few questions, and when they get back to you, you can copy and paste that answer into your article, and then you have an interview!

Once you get enough of them as blog posts, you can turn those posts into Ebooks packed with interesting advice from experts in your field! Plus, who doesn’t love having interviews from experts right at their fingertips?! You might find that many people will download your ebook just for the expert questions and answers and your take on them!

Don’t Be Afraid To Repurpose Old Content Assets

You don’t need to create new content every time you sit down to create a piece because repurposing old content assets can still allow you to bring some of your classic pieces of work back to the forefront. Plus, it can allow you to share your old ideas entirely new ways!