MotoCMS Blog

Flex – San Jose conference

360|Flex in San Jose is the most popular an well-known con devoted to Flex/AIR. It takes you to the deeps of Flex! That’s why when you see some names from the list of 360|Flex be sure that this names know what they are speaking about if they are spelling words Flex & AIR.

Here are some fantastic presentations that were contributed to Flex community by world leaders in Flex development.
1. Learning Flex from Scratch (LFFS) by Flater & Sheridan
description: Adam Flater & Scott Sheridan: The Learning Flex from Scratch series on Inside RIA focused on a non-programmers journey into the world of Flex.

2. Using Item Renderers in Flex by Mary Mcdonald
description: Discusses using item renderers and item editors in Flex to change the look of your data being displayed. This session has plenty of examples!

3. Creating Flex Components by Jeffry Houser
description: An introductory presentation on creating Flex Components.

4. Diving Deep w/ the Flex Component Lifecycle by Owen & Umbaug
description: RJ Owen & Brad Umbaugh: In this session, Senior Developers RJ Owen and Brad Umbaugh will explore in depth exactly what happens every time a component is created and rendered in Flex.

5. Diving in the Data Binding Waters with Michael Labriola
description: Just about everyone who uses Flex uses data binding. Now come learn what you are actually doing when you add those curly brackets to your application.

6. E4X by Marc Bir
description: What is E4X? How do I use it? Why would I use it? When should I use it?

7. Creating Reusable Components by Ben Clinkinbeard
description: This session will talk about what to keep in mind when creating components that go beyond a single use.

8. Flex and Acrobat by Joel Geraci
description: This session will make you rethink everything you know (or think you know) about PDF.

9. Data Visualization and Dashboards by Thomas Gonzalez
description: This session discusses approaches and techniques to implementing Data Visualization and Dashboards within Flex 3.

10. High Definition Video & Flex Hands On by Christopher Keeler
description: This session covers the tools and workflows you need to produce and stream great HD video in the Flash player and Flex.