Web Design & Dev

The Most Fascinating Flash Websites You’ve ever Seen

MotoCMS Editorial 7 April, 2010

While searching the web, we come across hundreds of creative and really attractive Flash websites that again and again convince us of the effectiveness and necessity of Flash. With Flash technology you can do more than just displaying images or video. Flash allows you to create amazing visual experience and produce beautiful and fascinating masterpieces that impress everyone with striking animation effects and dynamism, music and videos, charming visual elements and interactive navigation menus.

Flash offers you a great variety of means to find your own, unique approach to creating animated web sites that may not look like standard web pages at all. With Flash designers can achieve results which simply aren’t possible with HTML and CSS, can’t they?! Whether you like Flash or not, it is very powerful.

On this matter we want to bring to your attention 10 most fascinating unusual and outstanding examples of Flash based websites you’ve ever seen!

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Buick, The New Class of World Class

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Jim Carrey’s Website

To say that Jim Carrey’s website is awesome means to say nothing, because this mastrepiece of web art is drop-dead gorgeous and fantastic. It covers the whole life of the artist.

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This Flash website presents the whole world populated with creepy creatures, monsters, dragons, cartoon characters, etc. You just walk around going deeper and deeper into the image.

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This is a promotional site of Melnitsaanimation studio for a stunning animated film of the same named story.

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25 responses to “The Most Fascinating Flash Websites You’ve ever Seen”

  1. […] list of cool sites you won’t be surfing with an IPad brought to you by FlashModo – The Most Fascinating Flash Websites You’ve Ever Seen addthis_url = […]

  2. really very nice source. i am flash designer and i think these will be very helpful

  3. Cool sites! here’s one i liked alot: it’s the Thousand Foot Krutch’s website


  4. Alice says:

    Jim Carey’s website is, indeed, genius. Great job!

  5. Espreson says:

    It’s amazing!
    How did you collect all the thing…?

  6. […] The Most Fascinating Flash Websites You’ve ever Seen | FlashMoto. Related Posts:Fantastische Flash-Slideshows erstellen mit SlideShowPro15 Websites with free Vector ResourcesFlash Tutorials – Flashtuts+Flash Mp3 Player | Flabell45+ Great Free Flash Photo Gallery . […]

  7. Sebastian says:

    Zoomquilt is very nice – the gridcosm is still active (but the flashplayer is juddering).

  8. […] Durante la ricerca sul web, si incontrano centinaia di creativi e veramente attraente siti Flash, che più e più volte ci convincono dell'efficacia e della necessità di Flash. Con la tecnologia Flash si possono fare più di una semplice visualizzazione di immagini o video. Flash permette di creare incredibili esperienze visive e producono belle e affascinanti [capolavori. . . ] URL articolo originale http://www.flashmoto.com/blog/flash-news/the-most-fascinating-flash-websites-youve-ever-seen/ […]

  9. Patrick says:

    woooow! great websites, thanks for sharing. 🙂

  10. […] The Most Fascinating Flash Websites You’ve ever Seen […]

  11. Ezra says:

    Although the art is great, some of these sites suffer from major usability flaws.

    Zoomquilt is nauseating to look at. They need to at least double the fram rate. Their pre-loaded CSS almost made me want to abandon ship before it loaded.

    Jim Carrey’s site is very slow to load initially as well as between pages. The spiral serpeant is misleading and gives the user no landmark to know when loading will be complete. After it passed 360′ I was sure it had to get to the middle (it doesn’t). There are few indicators regarding what can be clicked, where it will take you, where you have been, etc. Die-hard Jim Carrey fans might deal with this, others will abandon ship.

    The concepts on these sites are impressive. We all have to remember that no matter how interesting we can make things with Flash there are general web and usuability principles that we need to keep in mind if we want users to do more than stop by for a few seconds before going elsewhere.

  12. james says:

    Nice sites. Have you seen http://www.vimto.co.uk? It’s worth a mention, great looking site.

  13. […] The Most Fascinating Flash Websites You’ve ever Seen. Share var button = document.getElementById('facebook_share_link_7921') || document.getElementById('facebook_share_icon_7921') || document.getElementById('facebook_share_both_7921') || document.getElementById('facebook_share_button_7921'); if (button) { button.onclick = function(e) { var url = this.href.replace(/share.php/, 'sharer.php'); window.open(url,'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436'); return false; } if (button.id === 'facebook_share_button_7921') { button.onmouseover = function(){ this.style.color='#fff'; this.style.borderColor = '#295582'; this.style.backgroundColor = '#3b5998'; } button.onmouseout = function(){ this.style.color = '#3b5998'; this.style.borderColor = '#d8dfea'; this.style.backgroundColor = '#fff'; } } } dtsv.dtse_post_7921_permalink = 'http://pedrogoico.com/2010/04/12/flash-websites-2/'; dtsv.dtse_post_7921_title = 'FLASH WEBSITES.'; […]

  14. […] En cherchant sur le web, nous rencontrons des centaines de sites en Flash créatif et très attrayant, qui encore et encore nous convaincre de l'efficacité et la nécessité de Flash. Grâce à la technologie Flash, vous pouvez faire plus que simplement l'affichage d'images ou vidéo. Flash vous permet de créer une expérience visuelle étonnante et produire de beaux et fascinants [chefs-d'œuvre. . . ] URL article original: http://www.flashmoto.com/blog/flash-news/the-most-fascinating-flash-websites-youve-ever-seen/ […]

  15. […] Embora a pesquisa na web, nos deparamos com centenas de websites criativos e realmente atraente em Flash que uma e outra vez nos convencer da eficácia e necessidade do Flash. Com a tecnologia Flash que você pode fazer mais do que apenas a exibição de imagens ou vídeo. Flash permite criar uma experiência visual incrível e produzir belas e fascinantes [obras de arte. . . ] URL do artigo original http://www.flashmoto.com/blog/flash-news/the-most-fascinating-flash-websites-youve-ever-seen/ […]

  16. […] Si bien buscar en la web, nos encontramos con cientos de sitios web Flash realmente creativa y atractiva que una y otra vez nos convencen de la eficacia y la necesidad de Flash. Con la tecnología Flash que puede hacer más que sólo la visualización de imágenes o vídeo. Flash le permite crear una experiencia visual asombrosa y producir [obras bellas y fascinantes. . . ] URL del artículo original http://www.flashmoto.com/blog/flash-news/the-most-fascinating-flash-websites-youve-ever-seen/ […]

  17. peninajace says:

    what a great collection !!!!!!!

  18. Martin says:

    […] Embora a pesquisa na web, nos deparamos com centenas de websites criativos e realmente atraente em Flash que uma e outra vez nos convencer da eficácia e necessidade do Flash. Com a tecnologia Flash que você pode fazer mais do que apenas a exibição de imagens ou vídeo. Flash permite criar uma experiência visual incrível e produzir belas e fascinantes [obras de arte. . . ] URL do artigo original http://www.flashmoto.com/blog/flash-news/the-most-fascinating-flash-websites-youve-ever-seen/ […]

  19. Paul says:

    […] The Most Fascinating Flash Websites You’ve ever Seen […]

  20. Steven says:

    […] En cherchant sur le web, nous rencontrons des centaines de sites en Flash créatif et très attrayant, qui encore et encore nous convaincre de l’efficacité et la nécessité de Flash. Grâce à la technologie Flash, vous pouvez faire plus que simplement l’affichage d’images ou vidéo. Flash vous permet de créer une expérience visuelle étonnante et produire de beaux et fascinants [chefs-d’œuvre. . . ] URL article original: http://www.flashmoto.com/blog/flash-news/the-most-fascinating-flash-websites-youve-ever-seen/ […]

  21. […] Embora a pesquisa na web, nos deparamos com centenas de websites criativos e realmente atraente em Flash que uma e outra vez nos convencer da eficácia e necessidade do Flash. Com a tecnologia Flash que você pode fazer mais do que apenas a exibição de imagens ou vídeo. Flash permite criar uma experiência visual incrível e produzir belas e fascinantes [obras de arte. . . ] URL do artigo original http://www.flashmoto.com/blog/flash-news/the-most-fascinating-flash-websites-youve-ever-seen/ […]

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